News & Events

News • 13.06.16

SafeContractor’s New Look FAQs

Thank you to the SafeContractor’s who have already started adopting our new look. However, if you’re unsure how to get hold of our new logo, or have a question about van stickers and certificates, you may find the below frequently asked questions helpful!


Is the logo available to download on your website?

The logo is not available to download on the website. Please contact Member Services for the logo in JPG file format. If you require the logo in black, greyscale, white, or in a different file format, please email

Can I have the new seal of approval to use on my letterheads, website and brochures?

Only certified members of Alcumus SafeContractor are permitted to use the seal of approval. Please contact Member Services to request the seal in JPG format, for other versions and file formats, email

Now that SafeContractor has rebranded will we receive a replacement certificate and membership card?

Your existing certificate and membership card with the previous logo are still valid until the expiry date. Therefore, you won’t receive a replacement certificate until you renew it. Likewise, you can request a new style membership card when you renew your membership.

I’ve just ordered new stationery with the old SafeContractor logo, what shall I do with this stock?

We are not expecting our members to adopt the new look overnight – it may take 12-24 months! Please use up the stock you have – whether, that be for 2 months’ or 2 years. Next time you order your stationery/promotional material, please update to our new Alcumus SafeContractor logo.

Can I have new van stickers?

Yes! Our existing certified contractors will stickers in the post, free of charge. If you require more, please contact

What size are the stickers?

The medium stickers are 210 x 210mm, which will completely cover the old small sticker.  We have also introduced a small sticker 100 x 100 mm, which can also be used on windows etc. Large stickers (285 x 285) are available on request.

I’ve just applied the old SafeContractor seal of approval using a heat seal on my company vehicles. What should I do?

We don’t recommend the use of heat seals as they are a more permanent option compared to stickers. However, next time you replace the heat seal or upgrade your vans, please use the new seal of approval.
