“The service is second to none, a real breath of fresh air! Would recommend SafeContractor to any company.”
COBA Europe are specialists in floor matting, and with over 40 years’ experience, are one of the largest and most established names in the industry.
“We celebrated 40 years of trading in 2019, we have built our business up to offer one of the world’s largest ranges of safety mats and entrance matting products. We strive to offer a solution for all business needs, and over expert help from our team of floor level safety experts.” commented Danni Cooke, Business Manager at COBA Europe.
“We initially applied for SafeContractor certification to ensure that our matting and flooring business was operating with a uniform standard in regard to health and safety compliance. We are thrilled to have again been awarded the prestigious certification from Alcumus SafeContractor.”
“Achieving SafeContractor certification has enhanced COBA’s ability to win new contracts in the entrance matting sector, and our commitment to safety through meeting SafeContractor’s rigorous health and safety management standards will be viewed positively by our clients and our insurers.” continued Danni Cooke.
For contractors that want to enhance their reputation for health and safety, SafeContractor, the UK’s leading health and safety certification, verifies their compliance and connects contractors to leading organisations through an online portal. This enhances their profile to hundreds of companies that only work with SafeContractor members, saves time and money when bidding on new tenders and gives them the peace of mind that their health and safety practices are complaint with the law.
Gemma Archibald, Managing Director of Alcumus SafeContractor, said: “SafeContractor has 20 years of experience helping contractors to evidence that they have sound health and safety policies in place.”
“No-one goes to work to get injured. Major organisations simply cannot afford to run the risk of employing contractors who are not able to prove that they have sound health and safety policies in place. SafeContractor plays a vital role in supporting our clients in meeting their compliance needs, whilst working with their contractors as they progress through the approval process.”“We’re thrilled to have an established international business such as COBA Europe within our membership base of 37,000 contractors and wish them every success with their certification and future growth.”