You probably know that your business needs high health and safety standards to become SafeContractor certified. But did you know that your subcontractors also need to uphold these standards?
As a contractor, you should be aware that you can be held liable for the actions of your subcontractors. That’s why a strong policy on subcontracting is required for SafeContractor certification. Here are 7 tips to ensure that you monitor your subcontractors to the highest standards possible:
The simplest way of establishing that your subcontractors work safely is to require that they hold valid certification with SafeContractor (or a similar member of SSiP). SafeContractor certification demonstrates that a contractor has already been assessed against the SSiP Core Criteria, which is aligned to the Government-backed construction pre-qualification document PAS91. Using SafeContractor certified subcontractors also reduces the cost and hassle of assessing contractors yourself.
This questionnaire should allow any potential subcontractors to outline their health and safety policies. It should also ask who gives them competent advice regarding health and safety procedures. We have an example health and safety assessment questionnaire that you can use in our Selection and Assessment of Subcontractors Guidance Note.
This includes all the subcontractors you hire directly AND any businesses that they subcontract. It is your subcontractors’ responsibility to monitor their own subcontractors, but you could still be liable for any issues that arise on your site. To protect yourself, it is wise to check that your subcontractors have appropriate screening processes in place for their own subcontractors.
This is a legal requirement. While your risk assessment should cover your own work activities, it is your subcontractors’ responsibility to create one for any work that they will be carrying out. Our Risk Assessment Guidance Note can be found here.
While this isn’t a legal requirement, it is best practice and follows HSE advice. Read our Guide to Method Statements here.
A CPP is a legal requirement in the construction industry and must be devised by the principal contractor (usually the first contractor chosen for the job). If you are the principal contractor you will need to create the CPP, but you must make sure all your subcontractors are aware of it. This is because the CPP will give your subcontractors an overview of the job and provide guidance while they carry out their work. Our Construction Phase Plan (CPP) Guidance Note can be found here.
This can be done in several ways, including:
For more information about subcontracting, please read our Selection and Assessment of Subcontractors Guidance Note.